Texas Toast

Texas Toast recipe:
small loaf of unsliced white bread from your local bakery (Greggs is fine)
butter (see below)

Cut bread into 1 inch thick slices
Toast in oven or wide toaster
Smother with lots of butter, either:
- Spanish style, with Brittany butter with sea salt crystals (like this one at Waitrose)
- Texas style, with garlic butter: organic unsalted butter, salt crystals, fresh parsley (grows beautifully in east London), and lots of garlic, all blended in food processor

Texas toast can be served as a side with BBQ turkey or chili.
Spanish toast is best served with a very strong hot chocolate
(I also recommend Taiwanese toast with bubble tea, but haven't made it myself yet.)

Hot chocolate recipe:
Belgian chocolat fondant, two sticks (about 120g)
organic whole milk, about 2-3 cups

Melt chocolate in a bain-marie or microwave. Do not let water touch the chocolate.
Add milk slowly and whisk often.  Add as little milk as possible.
Add cinnamon, vanilla and other spices (e.g. chili peppers) to taste.

Remember, in Texas, everything is BIGGER and BETTER!

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